Sunday, February 2, 2014

maybe one of the best sights in tanzania

look closely and you just might see one of the most exciting things tanzania has to offer! 

a working shower head WITH good water pressure! 

Truth be told, the shower head was working saturday but the water pressure was so bad it was like two little trickles of water falling on me in slow motion. so, i still used the cup and the bucket. I guess you could count that as sower #2 but I am counting today’s shower as the real shower #2. It took magical to a whole new level. 

One little side note about showers and cleanliness.... you are never fully clean but, then again, clean is all relative. Nick puts the time limit of being truly clean at about 15 minutes. In reality, as soon as you step out of your shower shoes and into the house, your feet are already covered in dirt. Then you have your clothes... I give my clothes the good ole sniff test to see if they are still wearable. It is certainly not a one and done culture. Many teachers (and the ever so culturally adapted Nick) wear clothes for a week or more at a time. The workout clothes are sometimes picked based on which shirt smells the worse and has therefor reached the end of its time. 

So, with all of this said, I promise two things. 
  1. We do not ever smell really good.
  2. We try to seriously limit the times that we smell horrendous. :)

 Sorry if it was a little tmi but the truth stinks some times. 

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