Saturday, January 11, 2014


So today was the one week marker. While it was a great week and definitely one to remember, it was also an extremely long week. We had our last day of swahili lessons today and were missing Mai. Let’s just say that I have lots of studying to do. After that, we walked to the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, which is where the WorldTeach office is. It was a nice walk that lead us through a different part of town and even through a university. It was neat to see all the students walking around, all carrying their books and wearing their white ID’s with a blue lanyard. The WorldTeach office was nice and big, and it even had AC. We filled out some forms for our visas, learned about the requirements of the Teacher Quality components of the program (one detailed lesson plan and one learning module per month), and visited with someone from the Ministry. I forget her official title but she is like an English coordinator I believe. She was so incredibly sweet, encouraging, and thankful. We ate lunch at a museum before embarking on our journey of trying to get Amber’s internet to work. Following an bajaj drive and another glimpse at the outskirts of the town and the Indian Ocean, we were treated to a special farewell dinner at a local Ethiopian restaurant, Addis Abba. The whole experience was amazing. 

(two quotes - proverbs maybe- on the wall... ‘little by little an egg will walk’ and ‘when spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion’)

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